Friday, September 9, 2011

What is the Difference?

When I am speaking with individuals or groups about my business, one of the most common questions I am asked during our conversation is:  “what is the difference in a coach and a ___________”.  The blank can be filled with advisor, consultant, mentor, or therapist.

A “coach” is many times confused with other professions.  As stated in my previous blog:

I see the word “coach” used interchangeably with mentor, trainer, consultant, and to even work in a tanning salon.  “Coach” and “Coaching” seem to be the new buzzwords that sound current when it is used to describe job duties and getting the job done quickly.

It must be very confusing to people since these terms are use interchangeably in the business environment and entertainment industry describing professions, skillsets, titles, and roles.  Some of these confused people even have “coaching” as part of their job descriptions.

So, this is what I communicate when asked the infamous question, what is the difference? 

A person that identifies the problem and provides the client different ways to resolve the problem.

A person that helps the client help themselves.  The client has all the answers and the coach assists in the journey of the client determining what is right for them.  The focus is on today and the future by looking at reality (the way things are now) and moving towards hope (the way things can be).

A person that is hired to solve a specific problem identified by the client.  The consultant provides the answer(s) and solves the problem.

A person who shares their expertise with others.  They demonstrate and/or communicate on how to do something based upon their understanding or success with it.  The person they are mentoring usually has completed training or has some knowledge of the subject matter. The mentor assists with refining the skills.

A person that helps the client correct something, typically psychological, that gets in the way of the client moving forward with their life.  The focus is on today and the past so the client can eventually move forward.

The International Coach Federation or ICF defines coaching as: "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential."

The Coaches Training Institute or CTI states:  CTI coaching holds that people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole - completely capable of finding their own answers to whatever challenges they face. The job of a Co-Active Coach® is to ask powerful questions, listen and empower to elicit the skills and creativity a client already possesses, rather than instruct or advise.”

A coach has many different tools to use to assist you on this journey of discovery of reality and hope.  I like to focus heavily on values and goal setting in the beginning.  This gets the individual, team, group, or business focused on what is really important to them and how progress can be measured as you move towards the future.

Individuals that have coaches are making an investment in themselves.  Businesses that have coaches and utilize coaching are making an investment in their people.  People are a businesses greatest asset, but many times people are put last on company improvement plans.  There has been research completed on how performance has improved, revenue increased, and money is saved when coaching has been utilized

So, what are you waiting for?  Now that you know the difference, get a coach and get quickly moving towards the future.

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