Wednesday, April 3, 2013

5 Unconventional Ways To Increase Your Business

If you want your company to remain competitive and stay around for a long time, then the old school “leadership” style of fear, manipulation, and secrets must be tossed aside.

It is time to work from the inside out and make your team members inside the company top priority so the company and your clients outside the company reap the rewards. 

1.    Focus On Strengths
People, in general, love working on things they are naturally good at and enjoy perfecting it.  Knowing the strengths of each of your team members will allow you to place them on assignments that they will enjoy.  Productivity and quality increases when team members actually enjoy their work.  Happy team members mean you will have happy clients.  Happy clients will do more business with you and will recommend you to other businesses.

2.    Invest In Education
Continuous education is the key to keep the edge in business.  If team members work in a continuous learning environment they will always be looking at ways to improve themselves and the business.  Learning is contagious.  The more team members learn, the more they want to learn and share with others.  Everyone benefits from an educated workplace and the money spent on education will more than pay for itself in additional business.  Educated team members mean you will have happy team members and clients.  Happy clients will do more business with you and will recommend you to other businesses.

3.    Communicate
Inform team members of the company vision, mission, and goals.  Post the goals and provide updates on all goals on a regular basis.  Discuss how team members play a role in the vision, mission, and achieving goals.  Admit when something goes wrong, discuss the lessons learned, and move on.  Also, celebrate the wins.  This type of open communication will create an environment of trust and will have team members taking care of each other like family.  This creates a loyal team that will stick around to take care of the company as well as your new and existing clients.

4.    Say Thank You
A simple “thank you” goes a long way and creates a great feeling with team members.  Make it a habit to tell at least one person “thank you” every day.  Does the good deed deserve more than a few kind words?  Then give a $25 Starbucks gift card, take them to lunch, give them a day off, etc.  It doesn’t really matter, just recognize it.  Recognition for a good deed creates a very positive environment and encourages others to do the same.  This infectious environment will improve performance and positively impact your clients who will want your team around more often.  This will lead to more business.

5.    Accountability
Hold you team (and yourself) accountable for their actions and responsibilities.  Encourage all team members to help each other and discourage team members to take on someone else’s challenges.  Be crystal clear on expectations and goals as well as consequences.  This encourages all team members to see something to the end.  This instills self-respect, improves confidence, and adds to the learning environment.  Confident team members with self-respect will aim high and everyone wins.

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