Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Youth Leadership

Do you have any doubts about today’s young people?  If you go by the press and our elected officials, America is doomed for failure.  The education system is failing, our “morals” have gone to hell, most folks (including the government) cannot manage their finances, and all young people want a handout.

Well, I am proud to say, there is hope.  Recently I have involved myself with the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Academy (WYLA) that was started by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.  They had a vision to help youth (between ages of about 14 – 17) discover their own leadership style, and at the same time, develop strong ethics and values.  They held a leadership camp for these young people in June 2011 that began moving their leadership journey to a new level.

Well, I am proud to say, there is hope.  Recently I have involved myself with the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Academy (WYLA) that was started by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.  They had a vision to help youth (between ages of about 14 – 17) discover their own leadership style, and at the same time, develop strong ethics and values.  They held a leadership camp for these young people in June 2011 that began moving their leadership journeys forward.

I am a master coach in the WYLA program and I have been assigned four great individuals to work with over the next year.  I provide one-on-one coaching and group coaching with the focus on leadership.  Each one of these individuals I am working with are already doing great things in their communities and making a difference.  These individuals do not want a handout, they want to make the world a better place and are willing to work hard to accomplish this.  I look forward to learning a great deal over the next year from these future leaders. 

If these four young individuals are representing the leaders of tomorrow, then I am very happy.  Each one of them already has a leadership mission!  How many of you can say that you had a leadership mission when you were in high school?  

I would take any one of these four great individuals and replace many of the “so called” leaders that I see today………including many of those in Washington D.C.

Check out the WYLA website
and their Facebook page 
to learn more.

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